PRP Injections for Shin Splints in San Antonio, TX

PRP Clinic in San Antonio TX Specialized in Treatment of Shin Splints

Do your shins hurt after running or being on your feet all day?

If this sounds familiar, you may have shin splints. The term “shin splints” refers to the pain and/or swelling along or just behind the large bone in the front of your leg. Physicians also use the term medial tibial stress syndrome.

At PRP Clinic at The Golab Center for Back & Joint Relief, we understand the nagging pain shin splints can cause. Our experts offer platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy for patients with shin splints in San Antonio, TX to help you get back to doing what you love. Read on to learn how PRP therapy can help you.

Understanding Shin Splints

Shin splints are often the result of overuse or repetitive stress on your shin bones. They tend to affect athletes and military personnel due to running or training exercises, but they can affect anyone.1

The underlying cause of shin splints remains unclear. One theory suggests that they’re caused by an accumulation of unrepaired micro damages in your tibia. Typically, the damages are also accompanied by chronic inflammation of the periosteum, a layer of tissue that surrounds your bones. 2

A team of researchers reviewed 21 studies and found that the most common risk factors are:3

  • High body mass index
  • Increased navicular drop or the flattening of the navicular bone as the foot moves from a non-weight-bearing position to a weight-bearing position
  • Greater ankle plantar-flexion range of motion, which refers to the extension of your ankle as you point your foot towards the floor
  • Greater hip external-rotation range of motion, in which your thigh and knee rotate away from your body

To treat your shin splints, your doctor may recommend conservative treatments, such as rest, ice, physical therapy, and the addition of arch supports to your shoes.

But for how long should you rest?

Researchers don’t have a clear answer. Your rest period could be as short as 2 weeks or as long as 6 weeks or more, depending on the severity of your pain.4 Without adequate rest, you may experience shin splints again.

Such prolonged rest periods are inconvenient for many people. Thankfully, there may be other treatment options. If you’re suffering from shin splints, consider platelet-rich plasma therapy.

What is PRP Therapy?

Platelets and plasma are two components of your blood. Plasma is the largest part, comprising about 55% of the overall blood content.5 It’s responsible for circulating your blood cells and nutrients throughout your body. Platelets are blood cells that help your blood clot when you suffer an injury.

But platelets have another critical function — healing.

Platelets are a rich source of growth factors, proteins, and signaling chemicals. When released, the synergistic effect of these components plays a critical role in tissue regeneration.

In a healthy person, the normal platelet count ranges from 150,000 and 350,000 cells/microliters of blood.6 Platelet-rich plasma, or PRP, therapy delivers a much higher concentration of platelets (at least 2 times that of normal blood) to the affected area by spinning down your blood at high speeds.

In fact, research has confirmed that PRP contains a similar proportion of growth factors as that found in your whole body .7

The high concentration of platelets found in PRP may help regulate:6,8

  • Inflammation
  • Bone and vessel remodeling
  • Formation of new collagen
  • Death of cartilage cells called chondrocytes
  • Removal of debris from damaged tissue
  • Removal of infectious agents

The concentration of platelets can vary depending on individual patient characteristics, such as your age, medical conditions, and blood circulation.6 Your PRP treatment may also include other components of blood, such as leukocytes, a type of white blood cells. Talk to your provider about which type is best for you.

Does PRP Therapy Help With Shin Splints?

Because PRP is still a newer treatment, we’ll have to wait for data from clinical trials investigating its use for shin splints. For now, we can look at PRP’s efficacy for similar conditions.

Multiple laboratories and animal studies have shown that the growth factors in PRP can promote bone healing. In one study, 24 patients were treated for their mandibular fracture, with one group receiving a PRP injection in addition to their treatment. After 6 months, it was found that PRP enhanced bone regeneration in the fractures .9

Meanwhile, a study in rabbits showed that PRP combined with stem cells from fat tissue could help repair cartilage defects.10

Some experts believe changes in bone metabolism could be involved in the development of shin splints. In a 2003 study, 14 adult male athletes with chronic shin splints were found to have lower bone mineral density compared to non-athlete subjects.11 PRP may be able to enhance the healing of bone deficiency by delivering growth factors and signaling molecules called cytokines.12

A study involving 20 patients with mandibular fractures showed that PRP increased the bone density and intensity in the fracture, allowing the bone to regenerate faster .13

PRP isn’t just for healing bone injuries. In 2019, a review of 23 studies found that PRP treatment “confers several potentially beneficial effects” for muscle injuries .14

How the PRP Process Works

Your provider will provide instructions on how to prepare for your appointment. Some medications like anticoagulants or NSAIDs may need to be stopped.

The entire PRP process, which includes preparation and injection, takes approximately an hour.

At PRP Clinic at The Golab Center for Back & Joint Relief, you can expect the following steps:

Step One Step Two Step Three Step Four
A technician will draw a small sample of blood from you, which will be placed in a tube. The vial is placed in a centrifuge, which spins the blood at high speeds. This separates the platelets from the other blood components. We remove the tube from the centrifuge and separate the plasma layer from the other layers which are then discarded. Once the PRP solution is prepared, your provider will inject it into the affected area where the healing process begins.
Step One
A technician will draw a small sample of blood from you, which will be placed in a tube.
Step Two
The vial is placed in a centrifuge, which spins the blood at high speeds. This separates the platelets from the other blood components.
Step Three
We remove the tube from the centrifuge and separate the plasma layer from the other layers which are then discarded.
Step Four
Once the PRP solution is prepared, your provider will inject it into the affected area where the healing process begins.

Because PRP triggers a cascade of biological responses, you may experience some soreness or swelling in the injection area for a few days. We recommend taking it easy for a few days after your treatment.

Are PRP Injections Safe?

Because PRP is an autologous therapy (derived from your own blood), it has an outstanding safety profile. There is no risk of an adverse reaction or disease transmission. Talk to your provider if you’re taking any medications or if you experience any severe discomfort after your injection.

Find Relief With PRP Injections for Shin Splints in San Antonio, TX

Pain from shin splints can be so severe that it ends your ability to run. Conservative treatments can provide short-term relief, but they offer little hope over the long run.

The good news is that the secret to healing may already be in your blood. By harnessing your body’s natural healing powers, PRP injections may be able to provide long-term relief from shin splints.

If you’re in the San Antonio, TX area and are suffering from shin splints, call us today at (210) 405-7820 to learn how PRP can help you.

Call (210) 405-7820 today to learn what PRP can do for you.


  1. Sobhani V, Shakibaee A, Khatibi aghda A, Emami Meybodi MK, Delavari A, Jahandideh D. Studying the Relation Between Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome and Anatomic and Anthropometric Characteristics of Military Male Personnel. Asian Journal of Sports Medicine. 2015;6(1). doi:10.5812/asjsm.23811
  2. McClure CJ, Oh R. Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome. StatPearls Publishing; 2021. Available at:
  3. Winkelmann ZK, Anderson D, Games KE, Eberman LE. Risk factors for medial tibial stress syndrome in active individuals: An evidence-based review. J Athl Train. 2016;51(12):1049-1052. doi:10.4085/1062-6050-51.12.13
  4. Galbraith RM, Lavallee ME. Medial tibial stress syndrome: conservative treatment options. Curr Rev Musculoskelet Med. 2009;2(3):127-133. doi:10.1007/s12178-009-9055-6
  5. Plasma information. Accessed May 13, 2022.
  6. Pavlovic V, Ciric M, Jovanovic V, Stojanovic P. Platelet Rich Plasma: a short overview of certain bioactive components. Open Med (Warsz). 2016;11(1):242-247. doi:10.1515/med-2016-0048
  7. Xu PC, Xuan M, Cheng B. Effects and mechanism of platelet-rich plasma on military drill injury: a review. Mil Med Res. 2020;7(1):56. doi:10.1186/s40779-020-00285-1
  8. Cook CS, Smith PA. Clinical update: Why PRP should be your first choice for injection therapy in treating osteoarthritis of the knee. Curr Rev Musculoskelet Med. 2018;11(4):583-592. doi:10.1007/s12178-018-9524-x
  9. Daif ET. Effect of autologous platelet-rich plasma on bone regeneration in mandibular fractures. Dent Traumatol. 2013;29(5):399-403. doi:10.1111/edt.12021
  10. Hsu YK, Sheu SY, Wang CY, et al. The effect of adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells and chondrocytes with platelet-rich fibrin releasates augmentation by intra-articular injection on acute osteochondral defects in a rabbit model. Knee. 2018;25(6):1181-1191. doi:10.1016/j.knee.2018.10.005
  11. Magnusson HI, Ahlborg HG, Karlsson C, Nyquist F, Karlsson MK. Low regional tibial bone density in athletes with medial tibial stress syndrome normalizes after recovery from symptoms. Am J Sports Med. 2003;31(4):596-600. doi:10.1177/03635465030310042001
  12. Zhang N, Wu YP, Qian SJ, Teng C, Chen S, Li H. Research progress in the mechanism of effect of PRP in bone deficiency healing. ScientificWorldJournal. 2013;2013:134582. doi:10.1155/2013/134582
  13. Castillo-Cardiel G, Medina-Quintana VM, Lomelí-Enríquez M, et al. Platelet-rich plasma and its effect in bone regeneration in mandibular fractures. Controlled clinical trial. Gac Med Mex. 2017;153(4):459-465. doi:10.24875/GMM.17002574
  14. Kunze KN, Hannon CP, Fialkoff JD, Frank RM, Cole BJ. Platelet-rich plasma for muscle injuries: A systematic review of the basic science literature. World J Orthop. 2019;10(7):278-291. doi:10.5312/wjo.v10.i7.278

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