PRP Therapy for Osteoporosis

PRP Clinic in San Antonio TX specialized in PRP Therapy for Osteoporosis

PRP Therapy for Osteoporosis: who says there’s no cure?

The Greek word osteoporosis means “porous bone”. If you’re reading this page, you probably know that your bones become more porous and fragile with age, until bone loss silently and progressively increases your risk of fracture – often the first symptom of this all too common condition. Mainstream medicine claims that this hormone imbalance-induced bone density degeneration cannot be halted – only managed with pharmaceuticals.

We politely disagree.

Where there is degeneration the body will naturally gravitate toward regeneration – as worldwide research has demonstrated for decades. The safest, simplest, most natural, autologous stimulator of that regeneration is your own blood’s platelet rich plasma (PRP).

Nearly 27 million Americans are spending $90 billion annually on mainstream treatments and drugs like Fosomax – a bisphosphonate which changes the way your body forms bone. This expensive pharmaceutical has caused serious side effects like esophageal cancer, osteonecrosis of the jaw, and, ironically, bone fractures.

No wonder more and more middle aged and elderly Americans want to know how to treat osteoporosis without medication, and how to avoid risky, expensive surgery while enjoying the lifestyle they’re accustomed to.

If you’re one of them, call us to schedule a consultation at (210) 405-7820.

Can osteoporosis be reversed?

Your platelets, which play a critical role in the injury clotting process, contain hundreds of growth factors and other bioactive proteins that encourage cellular repair and tissue regeneration.

In recent decades science has demonstrated that the platelets in PRP release growth factors – Platelet-derived Growth Factor, Transforming Growth Factor-β, Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor and others – can also stimulate cell-by-cell bone healing.

Results of a recent clinical study published in the journal “Orthopedics” indicated that: 1

  • medium-concentration PRP induced proliferation and osteogenic differentiation of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells, promoting bone fracture healing
  • high-concentration PRP inhibited osteogenic differentiation and callus remodeling

In order to effectively extract and deliver the precise concentrations of PRP required to enhance your unique healing process, we diligently keep up with the latest clinical research, while simultaneously mastering our injection skills. No published study, technological advance, or guidance tool can replace hands-on injection training – which all of our practitioners regularly participate in.

That’s why we can confidently inform you that, with the appropriate age, genetics, medical history, and follow-up care, osteoporosis may indeed be helped.

The PRP Procedure

To determine whether you are a good candidate for PRP Therapy we’ll meet to discuss your medical history, environment, and medication use. Certain conditions may preclude you, and certain medications may need to be discontinued to make you a good candidate.

Once we determine you are a strong candidate, we’ll ask that you get plenty of rest and drink plenty of water before your procedure.

On the day of your procedure, we’ll make sure you’re comfortable and relaxed before drawing some blood – about two ounces – from your arm. Then we’ll centrifuge it at the optimal speed to separate your:

  • Red Blood Cells (RBC)
  • Normal Plasma (PPP)
  • Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)

The PRP portion will be strategically injected precisely into your weakened bone regions. As the growth factors begin stimulating your dormant stem cells you may feel some pain or weakness. We’ll make sure you rest in comfort as your cells begin to regenerate. It’s important to follow all after care instructions – as they, along with your age, injury severity, diet, lifestyle and environment will determine your treatment’s success level.

Schedule Your Appointment

Don’t passively accept the all-too-common belief that aging requires moving less and complaining more. Allow us to help optimize the density and quality of your bones – as much as your age, general health, genetics, and environmental factors will allow. Call PRP Clinic at The Golab Center for Back & Joint Relief at (210) 405-7820.



1. Chen L, Yang X, Huang G, Song D, Ye XS, Xu H, Li W. Platelet-rich plasma promotes healing of osteoporotic fractures. Orthopedics. 2013 Jun;36(6):e687-94. doi: 10.3928/01477447-20130523-10.

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